Song Premiere: Lindsay Lou’s “Keep On Going”

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Americana Highways brings you this song premiere of Lindsay Lou’s “Keep On Going” from her new EP, due out this summer.  “Keep On Going” is Lindsay Lou on guitar and vocals, Joshua Rilko on bass and harmony vocals, PJ George on electric guitar and harmony vocals, Alex Bice on drums, Matt Rowland on piano and Hammond organ, and the Sweet Water Warblers on backing vocals. It was recorded at The Bomb Shelter in Nashville, engineered by Drew Carroll, mixed by Andrija Tokic then mastered by John Baldwin.

“Keep On Going” holds an uplifting beat while Lindsay Lou’s vocals hit a wide range of octaves and trills in a song that emulates the contradictions of life.  Lindsay Lou is adept at holding you in that place where life’s wonder and its darkest struggles cross over.

It was a full moon and we were out barking at the sea lions who had gathered on the fishing docks across the street from our motel in Crescent City, California.

Being in a touring band with your friends you find yourself in all sorts of interesting situations. We’d been out all day galavanting around old growth groves of giants. I’d been refilling my spiritual tank and in the same breath of one day found myself spinning the wheels and losing sleep. One of my closest friends tried to take her life the night before on the other side of the country, and that day I quietly carried around my love for her, and my feeling of defenselessness, while we rejoiced with levity at the profundity of nature.

Eventually that night around 3 or 4 A.M. I gave up on trying to sleep and took up residence in a booth at the Fisherman’s Restaurant. By the time the band woke up the next day and came across the street to meet me I was deep in conversation with a handful of regulars. Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery to remember it all keeps on. Sometime it takes a jolt to the system or a walk to the edge like the feeling of a new love. I’m getting closer to this faith in the ebb and flow– forever trying not to stand in the way of communicating Love.

In Keep On Going I go back to that motel, The Curly Redwood Lodge, which I was impressed to learn was built entirely using the lumber from one redwood tree. (Bringing to mind something about how swiftly hundreds of years can be turned into kindling.) I was in awe that day of the towering beauties scarred black by fires over the years. They persevered twisted and glowing with lichens.

We’ve been settling into a sound as we’ve been traversing the world with our little Americana flavored outfit, and these couple double sided singles we’re releasing this spring are going to give a good glimpse into where we’ve been and where we’re headed. Keep On Going came straight out of our nineties heritage and the B side, The Great Defender, came to me in my first few hours of Australian touring. I later learned about how the Aussies all agreed to a country wide turning over of fire arms after a mass shooting. (Duh! Right?) But there’s more to that song I won’t go into. Just listen if you’re in the mood. In addition to my usual cast of characters, PJ George and Joshua Rilko, you’ll hear Matt Rowland on piano and hammond organ, Alex Bice on drums, and The Sweet Water Warblers on BGVs. — Lindsay Lou

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